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Press Play, Then You'll Want to Rewind!

Having always had an interest in how the mind works, I've kept one eye on Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I was lucky enough to attend a fantastic workshop delivered by life Coach Linda Bonnar. It was hugely informative and I came away full in more ways than one. Not only was my mind and notebook full of things to think about, goals, aspirations and methods to help me evaluate my true core beliefs, I also walked away with Linda's recently published books. (I must confess Linda-I probably had more than my fair share of tasty handmade treats you made for us, with a few more snaffled away in my handbag! Delicious!) This short review is to talk about the fullness I found within the 'Press Play 30 Day journal'.

The journal links to Linda's coaching book for teenagers, but I found it really useful during my recent 30 day stay in India, a perfect time to try it out. It's simple, clear to use and inspiring. I say simple because the simplicity and succinctness makes it all about you. Each morning Linda encourages you to write down three things you are grateful for, which shortly becomes a lovely way to set you up for the rest of your day, starting off with a positive frame of mind. It really helped me to record my gratitude for each step (or downward dog) of my yoga journey. The evening reflections are varied and at times, they really challenge you to dig deep and be honest with yourself. I loved the reflection that helped me break down my values to find out what is truly important to me in life. I also loved writing down my 'big dreams', there was something empowering about seeing them in encased in a big speech bubble looking back at me with a 'Go on, make them happen!' Linda has included gorgeous imagery throughout, some from her travel collection, which gives this book a personal touch and the photographs make you feel like Linda is a friend accompanying you along the way. The adjacent blank pages provide you with lots of space to note down any other observations/dreams/doodles from that day or possibly, more space to do the 30 day journal all over again!

I would whole-heartedly recommend trying this journal out. I have continued to write down things I'm grateful for each morning; I've really benefitted from this practice, learning not to sweat the small stuff so much, I have so many things

to be grateful for! I know that I will dip in and out of this journal again and again, even if it is to read what I've written previously to remember, re-evaluate or rewind and redo one of the reflection tasks.

Next step? To 'Press Play' and learn from Linda's coaching book, if this journal is anything to go by, the coaching book will be gold.

Available in Magrudy's Jumeirah

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